04 December 2008

love one another

A few weeks ago, my cousin asked me why I had not blogged since September, during the Presidential campaigns. I think he was curious to hear my thoughts on the election. Most people who talk to me regularly know where I stand, so I did not feel the need to blog about it. I actually became sickened by the media's coverage of not only the election but all of the pre-election "poll" results and blatant liberal opinions which were unavoidable and dominant to the point of influencing the indecisive masses. People were clinging to messages of "hope" seemingly out of desperation and grasping for anything that sounded like it would "save" them from their terrible lives. Messiah or talking head? In recent weeks I have actually decreased my media consumption overall - I think the election did me in! However with the inheritance of a digital television system (among other valuable resources) I have altered my focus slightly since I've been living in Phoenix. It's not that I wasn't already focused on the things of God, but recent overwhelming situations in my life have led me to my knees on a nightly basis. Listening to the 24-hour Christian music station as well as positive broadcasts and international programs have helped me rebuild and refocus. The people who know me the best know how drastically my life has changed, yet I am still the same person, with the same international experiences, and the same solid upbringing. Close friends and family have been my backbone, the Holy Spirit my comforter, and God has been my strength.

My father was perhaps the nicest man anyone could possibly meet. Sure I'm a little biased, but those who knew him could attest to this simple observation. Though a bit quirky and random at times, he could hardly complete a few sentences without mentioning God, some passage of scripture, or other uplifting, positive message. His love for me, his only daughter, was stronger than I even realized, or may ever realize. Most women do not have as great a relationship with their father as I did, I am truly blessed to have had that experience. No matter how many poor decisions I made in my life, especially in dating the wrong guys and getting involved with ungodly people, I could always go running back to Daddy, tell him what kind of mess I got into, and somehow just his being there for me would make it all better. His Godly counsel and wisdom helped me through so many challenging situations, that I don't know how I could have gone through life without him. His positive attitude and Christ-like mindset is something I always admired and was even baffled by at times. How could someone be so positive ALL THE TIME, even when faced with adversity?

One thing I've learned in my 35 short years on this earth is that relationships are so fragile, yet so important. Anytime I've had conflict with my neighbor (friends, coworkers, people on the street) I have always tried my best to resolve things with those people. I have actually known people who pick fights and stir up controversy just because they can, and they think they are being funny or "cool", but they are actually being destructive and disrespectful. However it is essential to keep in mind that God created human life, and he created us with a heart to love and a brain to know right from wrong. Although I had never experienced death (other than a cousin and grandpa who lived in another country), I have always been one of those optimistic "don't let the sun go down on your anger" or "you never know when the last time you will see that person is" kind-of-people. Practice the Golden Rule and all will be well with your karma. We all know that anyone can die at any time, I could walk across the street and get hit by a bus, and you would never see me again. This is why we need to "be excellent to each other" as my dad always said (quote from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)!

Jesus came to the earth to teach mankind some very valuable life lessons. He also came to pay a ransom for our sins, if we chose to accept it. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son as a blood sacrifice like a Lamb to the slaughter. Some people commit such terrible acts against other people that we think there is no hope for them. Other people fall so far into the downward spiral of negativity, debt, relationship pitfalls, or even crime, that they are seemingly beyond "hope" - and they can't go running back to Daddy. However God is our Father, and He sent Jesus to save us from all that. No politician can do this, regardless of how smooth their speeches are. Jesus is the Messiah, yes, even to the Jews. Jesus taught us to "love one another" as the first commandment with a promise (all will be well). Coincidentally this is a basic principle which we are usually taught as children and the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do to you!" In John 13:34-35, Jesus states "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Seems pretty simple doesn't it?

As I am striving to continue my Father's legacy, I would likewise challenge you to align with your Heavenly Father's agenda - a life of love. Show kindness, lend a hand, or simply give a smile to someone who looks like they're having a bad day. Love can make a world of the difference in someone's life, after all, you never know what a person is going through, what they have been through, or how long they have left on this earth. From 1 Corinthians 13, "Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." So love one another, because not everyone is equipped with a political ticker, but everyone was created with a heart to LOVE.


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