01 February 2008

hillary care

Today at Cox Arena at SDSU (my home away from home) Senator Hillary Clinton was scheduled to speak at the Town Hall lecture at 1:30. I had to come to campus anyway, so I thought what the heck, I'll check it out. I parked for free in one of the student parking structures, and when i walked across campus 2 1/2 hours before the event there was a ginormous line wrapped around the entire walkway paralleling the Love Library. I decided not to wait in it but rather get my business taken care of and then go to Starbucks to check my email. As I walked across campus to the event I was nearly trampled by a parade of Barack Obama supporters, carrying banners and chanting something about change. In between their banter, I yelled "John McCain" in their general direction. One of them laughed at me, another said "I hope you need to get an abortion someday!" What a bizarre thing to say - I yelled back "I'm not planning on killing anyone!" Last I heard John McCain was somewhat Liberal when it comes to abortion, but I guess the person didn't know that, assuming he was as Conservative as can be.

When I did arrive to the Cox Arena I had to walk around the entire building where I was met with signs stating "heightened security, bags will be searched". I thought to myself, if I were a terrorist, I would definitely try to bring a backpack into the Town Hall meeting. I think I must have been oozing "Conservative" from all pores of my body because I was met with so much resistance getting into the venue. First they made everyone fill out a half-sheet with name, address and email - required before being able to ENTER - probably so they can spam me with their Liberal rhetoric. Then I approached the bag check and to my dismay they told me I could not even bring my bag in (despite the signs saying bags would be searched). I told them I was a Professor here, showed them my Faculty ID card, and waited to talk to a supervisor. I told them it was necessary so I could take notes, etc. They still made me check my bag but I was able to bring in my laptop and camera. I'll try to snap a photo before I leave.

I am still sitting here an hour after the event was supposed to "start", two hours after the doors opened (good thing I didn't wait in that line), and NO HILLARY. I have endured listening to several Liberal introductory speakers, fortunately without getting sick. They keep saying "Hillary is coming, she is on her way". Probably had to get her makeup done or something. The sign language translator looks like Mitt Romney from here. A bunch of people keep getting up to buy nachos. Now they are flying paper airplanes around inside Cox arena. Reminds me of the PSFA Graduation Ceremony, which was also in this venue. I am having more fun watching people wait as I know the speech itself is not going to change my life or any of my viewpoints. Wow, this paper airplane flying extravaganza is generating more applause and excitement than the candidate herself. I wonder if she will ever get here. Now the State Speaker Fabian Nunez is speaking onstage to talk about voting and introduce ANOTHER speaker, John Chung, who introduced the Mayor of Los Angeles, who introduced another senator. I guess that's my cue to leave - I already voted by mail for McCain!


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