10 November 2007

middle east peace

aah diplomacy... is it wishful thinking to politically purport "peace in the Middle East"? Is the "peace process" a means to an end, or a necessary step towards a complete global democracy? Can land be given away to an angry race to aid in peaceful coexistence in a particular region? Can borders be expanded to further a pseudo-humanitarian cause, reveling in poverty but rooted in heresy? Are wars waged on the basis of religious beliefs or fueled by societies with the lack thereof? I must be either a pessimist or an absolutist, as what I'm about to say may not register on your God-o-meter if you are an unbeliever in the Ultimate Truth.

The United States, originally founded as a God-fearing nation, has become a nation of humanists, promoting democracy, diplomacy, and faith in oneself rather than a faith in the Divine. Yet We the People are Western allies with our founding British brothers, and our Biblically-based Holy enterprise, the State of Israel. Although we still have a handful of Christians and Jews in the US, many Biblical truths have long since been forgotten as our societies have evolved beyond the need for God in our daily lives. However, the Bible was written for today just as much as for the Jews of 3,000 years ago, it is the Word of Life for all the ages. One important characteristic of the Bible is its focus on Israel, not on America or Australia or even the whole of Africa. Most people in the world have been exposed to the Bible to some degree, yet many choose to ignore it or refute its claims, as though it does not apply to them directly.

Growing up a Christian, I'll admit the Bible is a bit difficult to read and digest in parts. Much of the language and terminology used is outdated or seemingly irrelevant, and parts of the book are even cryptic. You have to WANT to understand it, and even then you may become lost unless someone explains it to you. Furthermore, the Bible has been tossed aside as a mere historical literary work, unless you are some sort of religious zealot or theology expert. Hence the need arises for spurious scholars and attentive historians to excavate the hidden truths for today - especially as related to the modern global political arena. If you have not heard of him, I would like to recommend New York Times Best-Selling Author Joel C. Rosenberg, and his book entitled "Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future". While many of his other books are written as fiction (based on Biblical prophecies), Joel's claims in Epicenter are based on world history, current politics, and the Old Testament prophecies of Ezekiel 36-39. Here you will see the role of Russia and Iran revealed in their quest for global domination and intended destruction of Israel, exactly how it will unfold, and why.

I can't imagine my life without God, especially after visiting the Middle East and Israel, where religion and differing beliefs in monotheism is the core of their civilization. Nothing grieves me more than after having come back to America, seeing the ways in which our more "modern" society has progressed to a point of negating and even completely erasing God from the pages of time. Western society has evolved with so many outlets for success, prosperity, freedom of lifestyle and choice, none of which have anything to do with the God of Israel, He who created all species including we humans, and the very world we live in. Thus God's Holy Land of Israel, deemed as the official and timeless home for the Jewish people, God's chosen race, is continually being sliced and diced into a region which some believe to be politically sound.

I used to think the West Bank and Gaza "division of land" to form a Palestinian "state" was a legitimate solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - before I understood fully what the conflict was. I studied the region, its history, politics, language and culture full-time for one year. Even then, its just a bunch of facts without considering the religious foundations and cultural diversity of the indigenous people. According to the Bible, the lands of Judea and Samaria (presently called the West Bank) ultimately belong to the Jews, and must return to FULL JEWISH control before the War of Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel and above reference to Rosenberg's book Epicenter). As I am not currently an international policymaker (and most likely you are not either), we can only watch and see what the present-day politicians do to allow or disallow this division of land for "peace" in the Middle East.


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