24 September 2007

dumb and dumber

When I heard Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad would be visiting New York for the UN General Assembly meeting and wanted to cruise around the city to check out Ground Zero, I was appalled, as were most Americans. To my surprise, even the liberals were with me on this one, including Hillary Clinton and other Democratic officials. When it was announced last week that he would NOT be permitted to visit Ground Zero I was relieved, as it would not make sense for the leader of a terrorist-supporting nation to visit a site devastated by the very terrorism he promotes. Faith in my country restored as WE the Nation stand up to the radical Islamic Facists from the notorious Axis of Evil.

Being immersed in academe for the past several years, I am fully aware of the liberalist environment that it is. Thus after being banned from Ground Zero, Ahmedinejad cooed his way into Columbia University, but with open arms - a shock to many. What have these liberal institutions come to accept as the norm for politically educating one's student body, in the definition of academic freedom? To my surprise, Columbia University's President Lee Bollinger invited AJ to the forum - not to speak, but to be spoken TO, rather bastardized in a public meeting, during which he was their helpless, hopeless, prisoner. What I would have given to be in attendance at that meeting - a paramount event within my discipline - even as a fly on the wall.

Bollinger began the introduction of AJ as a blatant slam to his work as a World Leader (a petty and cruel dictator) and the Islamic Republic of Iran as the most backwards nation (producing uranium for peaceful purposes). Furthermore those present at the forum were reassured that AJ does in fact repeatedly deny the occurrence of historical events such as the Holocaust, or their validity in the academic and political sphere (with no justification or backing of his claims). As if anyone needed to do further research on perhaps the most devastating event in history or justify the already-been-voted-on (see UN vote of 1947) right to exist for the Jewish nation. Just when We the People of the universally deranged mentality thought it could not get any worse, this episode of Dumb and Dumber was injected with a dose of "freedom of speech". One liberal student asked about his support or opposition to homosexuality, in terms of national persecution. AJ responded "We don't have homosexuals" in Iran. "I don't know who told you we had it."

The best part of this Showcase Showdown was that AJ was positioned against a black backdrop - PhotoShop users let us now praise the Magic Wand tool - time for the photoOpp at Ground Zero, or where ever I may decide you belong, you ridiculous fool. Monkeys who keep their head inside their a** and cannot even READ a history book belong in the ZOO, not ruling a COUNTRY. May Peace prevail in the Cold War II, as the US will soon strike a pathetic country whose own leader lives inside a chemically-altered bubble, or a series of lies, a life philosophy common among the entire Arab race.


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