01 November 2006

just the fax

yesterday it was like pulling teeth (in Hebrew of course) to find a place to send a fax, i went to 3 different places. my landlord finally did it for me. I am filing a claim with Alitalia about my lost (returned) suitcase and theft of video equipment. Pray that they get back to me, so far I've dropped of a letter at the airport, emailed it to them, sent the fax, and left a voicemail message.

The good news of the day is that I finally went to the GYM (I have an all-access pass), got to work out, and TAKE A SHOWER (Yessss)! also, I finally found capoeira! there was a kids' class in the basketball court. Tonight he has an adult class, somewhere near my house. the group is Abada Capoeira. there is also a Cordao de Ouro group here in town which i plan to check out next week!

the latest "survivor" episode... I tried to use my "washing machine" last night, which you have to jerry-rig and makes this ungodly loud squeaking noise. this morning when i woke up to take the laundry out, it was still totally soapy! so i spent about 2 hours this morning rinsing out each of the items in the sink, then wringing them out with a towel (thanks mom for sending the big beach towel) and hung out to dry. i used the washing machine with the intention of avoiding hand-washing everything... oh well, live and learn. Im thankful i have clean clothes (remember those jeans I wore for 6 days straight?)! :)


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