25 March 2007


I was told by someone today "the world does not revolve around you". Earlier in the day this person said that very thing about someone else we know. Its possible that he wanted to try this English catch-phrase out on various people throughout the day, as English is not his first language, but perhaps there was also some truth to his words. In my own words "think global" I like to transcend my personal paradigm into what is going on in the world. However putting myself first is important - only when I'm healthy and clear-minded can I even think about what is going on in the world.

As the EU celebrates its 50th Anniversary, I think of the very concepts which allowed this great union to be what it is today. Time and strength. First the concept of time, in light of the aforementioned revolution of the planets. Although 50 years has passed since the European Countries have formed their union, the time has gone quickly. On a psychological level, "time will heal" many situations, and "only time will tell" what will happen. Second about strength. It is easy to lose face in the face of adversity. But standing strong on one's foundations, or firm in oneself, is often the key to endurance. Europe's strength as a group of countries banded together has showed not only solidarity in this once tumultuous part of the world, but also the strength that is coveted by other nations. It is because its strength that the West has built its image of power and prestige throughout the world. And it is with strength that we can endure the hardships of every situation, which will heal only with time.


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