30 March 2007

tunnel ball

things are not always what they seem. this week one of my worst enemies became one of my greatest allies, and one of my best friends became my nemesis. it is easy to get involved in a situation where the wool is pulled over your eyes, without realizing it. imagine that you are living inside a tunnel. everything that is going on around you somehow travels through or revolves around the tunnel. there is a light at the end, but the number of times which one must drive in circles before permitted to emerge is indefinite, and the tunnel becomes your reality. Unexpectedly and suddenly, an explosion occurs within the tunnel. This sends an electric current through your body which triggers the light bulb inside the brain, and the nervous system reconnects to the central processing unit.

its hard to realize you are stuck within such a situation sometimes unless a major event occurs to sound the alarm. when this involves matters of the heart, someone or something sacred or special to you, or challenges your faith and your dignity, you are particularly vulnerable. while people are intrinsically good, any number of forces can influence someone's personal paradigm to the extreme. culture is also a major aspect of personal reality, and elements thereof such as religion and gender contribute to the overall human dilemma.

when life throws you a curve ball, you can either stay in the game or sit on the bench. Being a sideliner generally does not get you anywhere, and there you are constantly tortured by knowing you could have done something about a situation but didn't. If you choose to stay in the game, step up to the plate and swing away. The goal is to play your best, hopefully hit a home run, and ultimately win the game. The worst thing that can happen is that you strike out, but if you keep your aim and a positive focus, you will be victorious. Some things are not always what they seem, so its important to keep your eye on the ball and swing at the appropriate moment or you will forever be stuck inside the endless tunnel.


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