01 April 2007

palm sunday

I had several options for Pesach (aka Spring Break). Egypt for the riots, America for opening day baseball, France for the Presidential Election race, Berlin for the EU 50th Anniversary party, Turkey just to check it out... but I chose ISRAEL, and JERUSALEM for PALM SUNDAY and Passover. I am living in the Holy Land for a reason, and its NOT to run away when something's not quite right. I finally know the REAL REASON I am in Israel (and no, its not for a SECOND Master's Degree, although that fills my time). The reason God brought me here is to live in HIS land, to experience the places written about in the Bible, to drink from Abraham's well (Beer Sheva), to walk where Jesus walked. Of course He had to shake me up a little to say "hello... welcome to MY land!"

Today was Palm Sunday, and what better place to celebrate it than the Holy City of Jerusalem. I rode in on the bus last night, insha allah, in the pouring rain. This morning I woke up bright and early and attended the Arabic-speaking Alliance church in the Old City. Though the service was in Arabic (with English translation in headphones) God was totally there. It was so exciting for me to see the words on the screen in Arabic, and to be around so many Arab Christians. It was at this service where someone informed me of the "big celebration" going on on the Mount of Olives. So I jumped on the Arab bus and headed up to Jabal a-Zeitoon, where thousands of Christians were gathered. Music played and all the saints waved palm branches singing "hosannah in the highest" as we walked across Mount of Olives, overlooking all of Jerusalem, and down Palm Sunday Road into the Lion's gate in the Old City. I had done this holy walk before (down Palm Sunday road) but not on Palm Sunday! This was especially unique because there were Christians, Roman Catholics, and Arab Christians, all together, many different denominations, cultures and languages (a lot of Italian and Greek) to celebrate JESUS.

Later tonight I went to the King of Kings Christian Church on Jaffa St with my friends from Aruba. They shared the story of Pesach and how the Jews celebrate it. Christians also adhere to most of the traditions. This was the time when the Jews were being called OUT of Egypt (coincidence I was supposed to go TO Egypt this week but myself got called out of that situation). Also they had to search their houses for the leaven... they cant eat leavened bread (must eat matza this week). the leaven represents SIN. so we have to search for ANY SIN in our lives, and GET IT OUT. We have to cut off all ties to anything which would cause us to sin. Thank you ALLAH that I am IN YOUR HOLY LAND for this most holy of celebrations. I am truly blessed, and God has revealed Himself to me in such a real way!


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