19 May 2007

new world order

last night during dinner with a few friends, we discussed the topic of newly emerging leadership in the EU. I have been following this topic closely, with my interest in Nicolas Sarkozy and of course the End Times prophecies. My friend actually brought up Sarkozy being Jewish, and I chimed in that I thought he was going to make aliyah because of his heritage, but would actually be for more of a political move. During the election the focus was not on him being Jewish at all, but rather the son of 2 immigrant parents, though he is rather tough on immigration in his policies. Our conversation focused on the new leadership being more conservative, a refreshing change for the loose liberalism that Europe has traditionally been known for.

As Tony Blair steps down on June 27 (coincidentally the same day I leave Israel), Gordon Brown will take over his post as Prime Minister of Britain. Brown has served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer (HM Treasury) since 1997; the Treasury is responsible for formulating and implementing the UK Government's financial and economic policy. Coincidentally, Nicolas Sarkozy served as the Finance Minister of France before giving up his post to run for President. With these two new, powerful, money-minded men now at the helm of the EU, the world will no doubt witness Europe's influence in the commercial sphere.

Another important changing-of-the-guard is taking place at the World Bank, as Paul Wolfowitz steps down, also at the end of June. While speculation indicates that the vacant post should be filled by an American, a few European candidates enter the mix, including none other than Tony Blair. Not only would this be a smooth transition from his current post, but would complete the EU's control of the New World Order. How would such European dominance affect the rest of the world you ask? From a one-world bank to a one-world currency, the Euro has unified not only the European countries in recent years, but will soon unite the entire global community.


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