16 April 2007

remember the holocaust

Last night and today in Israel, many stores and establishments were closed (including my gym) to remember the thousands of Jews who were brutally tortured and murdered in the holocaust during the 1940s. At 10am the country honored a moment of silence and observation, for some people this lasted an hour until 11am. I had classes and business as usual, but wore black in memory of those who died. My father's father was German Jew, and his family immigrated to America just before that timeframe. Being one-quarter Jewish is a reality that I cannot escape, although I am not Jewish by religion (I am a Christian), it is part of my heritage that I am learning more about every day. I am truly blessed with the opportunity to live in Israel, God's promised land for the Jews.

There are some extremists throughout the world such as Mahmoud Ahmedinijad who deny that the Holocaust ever happened (read more here). In the same way, there are also those who deny Israel's right to exist. I wonder sometimes if these people assume that by negating history (actual factual evidence of events that have occurred throughout time) that they will somehow change it. Pretty soon if you have enough people who subscribe to your lies, you can create an alternate reality in which people are basing their own existence on hearsay.

This reminds me of a situation in my personal life where a person told lie upon lie, and spread the poison like wildfire among a social circle. To my knowledge it is still being spread, and those who choose to listen and subscribe to it are letting the negative energy control their thoughts. The important thing for me however, is that I am grounded in the truth and clothed in righteousness (a special fire-proof suit). The same kind of thing can happen in our world today. Those who know the truth, who have read the history books and even the Bible, will KNOW the truth as FACT and be able to negate the lies that are fed to them from the media and various political figures. Thank you God that I live in a world so full of diversity that those who seek truth and righteousness may be rewarded, and can even help others to attain a greater understanding.


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