19 June 2007

tony and nic

if you've been following my blog over the last several months, you know how i feel about Nicolas Sarkozy. For quite some time before he was elected to the French Presidency, I became familiar with his profile, and watched eagerly as the events unfolded to put him where he is today. In other words, I knew who he was, and I knew he would take the cake. You could call me a fan - yes - aggressive is good. I am proud to say I was one of the first 30 friends in his official MySpace, which now has over 4000 friends (of course he is in my top 24, with the UN). I share his vision for a unified Europe and Mediterranean, and Global economic solidarity backed by the strength of the Euro. I also share his support for Tony Blair, if not for the leader of the World Bank, then for the President of the EU as they forge ahead together.

Tony will end his term as the UK's Prime Minister on 27 June. This week's meeting of the EU leaders should determine the next big move for the big T. I'm so deeply engrossed in all of the extreme political changes that are taking place in the world right now. Forget about Barack and Hillary, they still have another year. We are living in the here and now, the exciting month of June 2007, which has clearly been a pivotal time hinged upon the last several months of foreplay. International aid to the Palestinian Government - who'd have thought? Hamas revealing themselves for the EVIL DEMONS that they are, taking over an entire region (beach front property for the green and black). Lebanon might as well be declared a terrorist state if not a state of emergency. Russia on the move, North Korea testing missiles, and AJ the monkey conspiring crazier than ever before, to which supporting terrorist group should he give his uranium jewels?

All of this moving and shaking had better wake the general public up out of their tiny little bubbles. I have not yet seen it, not even around here. Gaza is just a few miles away, firing qassams into the Negev and it doesn't even phase anyone. Terrorist Muslims (who hide behind their religion) are even roaming around my university with Israeli IDs. People chime, "stuff like that goes on all the time". Yeah you know, masked terrorists take over entire regions and the International community gives aid to Palestinians, the usual. Aggressive European politicians forge ahead in an attempt to increase strength among an already solid union, and how. Keeping up with the boys, Tony and Nic... George and Condi keeping it real... everybody who's anybody knows its all about the New World Order, and Israel is the Center of the World. Let's get aggressive, EU style, and show these terrorists how the West is One.


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