21 May 2007

new world order II

As suggested in my last blog entry, Nicolas Sarkozy is a major political player to be taken seriously in the changing global arena > aka New World Order. While foreign policy was not one of the most pressing issues during the French Presidential campaign (other than that Segolene Royal was completely clueless on this topic), it is NOW. Go Nic go! Recent media coverage including this article highlights Sarkozy's aggressive foreign relations strategy with the Middle East region. Plans are being discussed for the 16 countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea to form a union, with cooperation regarding economics, trade and security, and may unify a diverse area comprised of many cultures and religions. This is undoubtedly an extreme political move, but those who are familiar with Sarkozy's aggressive political behaviors should not be surprised by his startling emergence from the ghettos of immigrant France.

Meanwhile, about 10 miles from my house, factional fighting continues between Hamas, Fatah, and the Israeli Defense Force. One news source reported such chaos as "lawlessness" descending upon the Gaza Strip. Targeted killings have transcended Gaza's borders to nearby Israeli towns which have been partially evacuated (many refugees have been moved to the nearby city of Beer Sheva, where I currently reside). Likewise Israel has targeted various terrorist leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad both in Gaza and the West Bank, and the IDF will continue its escalated military action in response to constant rocket attacks from Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with King Abdullah II of Jordan this week to discuss solutions. Let us speculate Jordan's role, strategically sandwich-packed between Israel and Iraq.

In the beginning of the civil war of 1947-48, there were similar attacks and regional battles. Nobody realized at that time that a war was starting. While I wasn't around then, I have been educated about the history through some of my classes (currently working on a MA in Middle East Studies, in Israel). Factional fighting does not really phase anyone here in Israel, because people are used to such things occurring on a regular basis and have seemingly become desensitized. However, this is the start of something really significant - World War III? Both Biblical and Quranic prophecies indicate that the End Times are upon us. So live each day as if it is your last, and may you be enlightened to the reality of the new global paradigm.


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