11 June 2007

wilderness experience

since I've been in Israel, not only have I grown closer to God, I have experienced more than ever before a deep connection with nature. I have written numerous blogs about my experiences in nature (Golan Heights, Sde Boker, the beach in Ashqelon and Tel Aviv, and here in the Negev), and how they have moved me spiritually. and there is something magical about living in the desert. Some people will tell you the desert is a place where you go to face your fears, and an opportunity to truly encounter your inner self. I thought it would simply be a familiar climate as I grew up in the desert of Arizona, and am familiar with the Sonoran desert region of Mexico. But you may have also heard of the desert as being a "wilderness experience" such as that in the Bible where people had to wander around here for 40 days so God could speak to them.

About 2 months ago, I really wanted to get out of this place. I had had enough of whatever it was that I was struggling with, and was ready to get back to the familiar zone, my home country of America. To run away from the problem without letting God solve it first, or waiting on Him to do so. I thought that just leaving here and returning there back to the country with all of its own inherent perils, that everything would be ok. When I LEFT America 7 months ago, I NEEDED to get out of there, I couldn't stomach the lifestyle there any more and KNEW there were more important things (of Global significance) going on in this part of the world. I set a course to study the Arab-Israeli conflict, learn Arabic and about Islam. I was in for more of a learning experience than I could have ever imagined. And I left America with all its comforts behind in order to do so. Now I know that I can return there any time, that it will still be there with all its perils, and with a Starbucks on every corner - oh how I long for it.

As my program is nearing its completion, I have lately found myself in a state of transcendence, partially in conjunction with this satisfaction. I have been doing a lot of yoga, capoeira, meditating, praying, and taking long walks in the Negev Desert of Beer Sheva in drawing closer to God. In a culture like America's, there are so many distractions to keep you from truly hearing His voice. In order to hear it you have to somehow transcend to be closer to Him (like by going on a vacation or retreat) or its easy for it to get mixed in (or neglected completely) with the daily clamor and tight schedules. This is the one thing I am grateful for here in Israel, the fact that I do not have all of those distractions - its just me and God. And he's brought me here to face my fears, transcend beyond my previous fast-paced lifestyle with all of its distractions (including my CAR and most of my "stuff") and truly press in to Him. Now I talk to God every day, and hear his voice so clearly that I feel such a spiritual awareness all around me, even in the eyes of cats. I can confidently say that this is the first time in my life that I have felt such a way, and believe that God is using this timeframe (without a job, without my car, without my good friends back home, without distractions) to teach me what is really important. I will hold fast to this and embrace trust God in faith, as I complete my degree and continue my spiritual journey here in the wilderness.


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