11 December 2006

capoeira meu amor

I have been training Capoeira, afro-brazilian martial art/dance for about 5 or 6 years now (on and off, with various groups). Here in Israel, I've connected with a group from Cordao De Ouro (from my original group's Mestre) and am really enjoying the experience. The classes are taught all in Hebrew, which is a great way for me to learn (I already know capoeira, but need to work on my Hebrew), and the instructor is awesome. I like hanging out with him outside of class too, and he uses me to practice his English, so its a good mutual exchange. This past weekend I spent a lot of time with him and another capoeira friend Ariel. Ariel had a hummus party - a regular event in which he makes this amazing home made hummus, and I bought these amazing pitas from the shook. In general, capoeira groups (worldwide) provide a great social outlet and community to promote comraderie, self-discipline, growth, and of course fitness.

While capoeira is my outlet right now, it is a nice balance to my task at hand, academic studies. Today was my Arabic midterm, and I have a project proposal due tomorrow, and a paper later this week. I am excited about the proposal in particular, because I decided to change my topic (which was originally satellite broadcast of Al Jazeera worldwide to Palestinians). The new topic is psychological, emotional and religious aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Take that one to the masses, young journalist!


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