25 January 2007

tourist or terrorist?

neither, really. I'm a student, and a travel agent -- a citizen of the World. do I look suspicious? well, apparently the security personnel in the Tel Aviv airport think so. Maybe it was my claim to speaking multiple languages (he asked, what was I supposed to do, lie?), or the fact that I had many questionable items in my bag: two Arabic books, an Arabic notebook and folder, books entitled "the Israeli-Palestinian conflict", "News in the Global Sphere", and "Covering Islam", a folder full of readings including one entitled "Contending visions of the Middle East", a scarf which looks remotely Palestinian, numerous electronic devices (don't leave home without em) and the number one item of suspicion...a passport from The United States of America. If I was a citizen of the World (oh wait I AM) I would be suspicious of anything to do with America, the way things are going (I'll leave it at that before I get political again).

If that weren't trouble enough, the security personnel thought it appropriate to COMPLETELY UNPACK my entire suitcase and carry on bags, which took me TWO DAYS to pack (and included several wrapped gift items, tucked neatly inside a box, again completely unpacked). If you know me, I'm quite a meticulous packer, and I don't like people messing with my stuff. To top it off, the head security guard informed me I was late because I was one hour before the flight rather than 3 (I didn't get that memo). In my own defense, I did intend to get there one hour earlier than I did, but I had a balagan at the post office on campus, a situation regarding payment of my utility bills coupled with an unreasonably long line with one teller. Thus I missed the earlier train. Fortunately, the train now goes direct from Beer Sheva to Ben Gurion Airport, so the train fiasco which occurred upon my arrival to Israel 3 months ago is not likely to repeat itself (though a few people kept telling me I was on the wrong train).

More good news (what? YES!)... I made it safely to the Munich International airport, and I'm chillin here in the 24 hour terminal for about 10 hours more. PUN INTENDED... There is SNOW everywhere outside! I went outside to find the other terminal (for tomorrow morning) and took some pictures... gallery coming soon! But it is COLD, so I have opted to stay in the airport, as much as I love wandering around Germany :) happy to get my favorite German juice "hohesC" and see my favorite restaurant "Nordsee". now i will work on one of my papers as I count down the hours to my MUCH NEEDED return to the good ol' USA, my home.


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