31 March 2012

healthy in 2012

I haven't blogged since I left San Diego last year, as I have been going through some personal and family struggles related to health. Moving forward I inspire to regain my own motivation through various creative outlets: writing, yoga, dance, and possibly employment in a creative field.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer in her colon a little over a year ago. A tumor which was partially removed, metastasized through the organs into her liver. That then resulted in partial gall bladder failure/gall stones, because the enlarged tumor in the liver had blocked the gall bladder (so it can't be removed), and has caused a lot of additional pain for her. She has been on chemotherapy for the last several months to decrease the size of the tumors, combined with naturopathic treatments for healing (so her body is not completely depleted of all that it needs to sustain itself). Her sister (my aunt) has the same kind of cancer in her liver, and is not doing well right now, she has had cancer about 1-2 years longer than my mom. Unfortunately it is common on their side of the family (perhaps hereditary or a result of diet).

My mom's deteriorating health is the main reason I left Seattle and transitioned back to San Diego then Phoenix. I am not her caregiver, but she likes having me nearby (living in the same city) because as with anyone who is chronically or terminally ill, we never know how long they have left to live. I believe God will heal her body, per the power of prayer. I will feel better about moving back to Seattle after she is in a more stable condition, although not as if I can personally do anything for her other than to simply be here for her. Really we never know how long any of us have to live, whether ill or healthy - anyone can die at any time, health-related or otherwise - so its nice to be able to spend time with loved ones whenever possible.

This is also one reason why it is so important to always stay on good terms with the people in your life, never take anyone for granted, mend fences, resolve differences, and never hold a grudge - as a grudge or negative attitude can turn into cancer or other physical manifestations. Treat others as you would want to be treated, love one another as Christ loved us (His commandment)! Perhaps appropriate that I mention this during Lent, as we approach the Holy Week - filled with themes like Christ's death on the cross, resurrection, forgiveness, atonement, reconciliation. He died so we could be forgiven, healed, and eternally blessed - what a sacrifice!

When I lost my Dad unexpectedly a little over 3 years ago due to debilitating lung failure (Pulmonary Fibrosis), I was devastated. He was a kind, loving, and peaceful man, overall healthy for most of his life, but had rheumatoid arthritis which apparently spread to other areas (possibly affecting his lungs and breathing). We found out too late, he had already taken a turn for the worst. I loved my Dad very much - I did not expect to lose him so soon, at age 68. He was my spiritual guide, who raised me on a strong Godly and moral foundation for my own life. He served our country in the Navy, read his Bible daily, and he truly loved God and treated everyone the way Christ commanded we treat one another. Its hard to lose a loved one - but I lost the greatest man I have ever known. Unless we are holding the hand of someone on their death bed as I was with my Dad in his final moments, we never know when the last time we will see someone is.

Although death is indeed a part of life, I don't want to lose anyone else, I have been through enough. In recent years/months, I have also encountered many people who are not compassionate or understanding of the loss I've endured (they cannot relate, and/or are too self-absorbed to care about anything other than their own ego/agenda - sad). I believe those of us who have experienced some kind of loss (death, divorce, foreclosure, financial problems, health problems, etc) are supposed to go through such things to learn some valuable life lesson - different for each individual. Hopefully to draw closer to God in their own spiritual journey or to somehow become a better person, help others, and learn to value every moment spent with one another, to appreciate what we do have!

Circumstances come and go, for better or for worse, and life is a journey, a series of lessons to learn. We can love and support one another, draw nearer to God, or do the opposite by turning our backs on Him and on one another entirely. Life is indeed a journey but it is also a gift, a blessing. A positive attitude towards others will likely add more value (and years?) to our lives than harboring ill will or resentment. My mom continues to ask for prayer from friends, family, and various churches and ministries, please keep her in your prayers also. She is truly a prayer warrior, a woman of very strong faith. Overall she has been improving little by little with the chemo treatments, I believe she can overcome this! We sincerely appreciate all your prayers and support. Love and light!

22 August 2011

taking stock

Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you're well aware of the recent fluctuation of the volatile US stock market, as well as throughout international markets. Markets have also been volatile in Greece and throughout Europe for several years, and as you undoubtedly know, Greece made the switch to the Euro for their standard of currency upon its inclusion into the EU. According to Biblical Prophecy, in the End Times, our world and its inhabitants will have become so unruly that we must resort to a unified currency, unified government, and possibly even a one-world religion. I say "possibly" regarding religion, only because human free will lends to individual personal choice, versus the globalization of governments which may manifest as the impending doom of the inevitable. Do you see the writing on the wall, in the economy, the government, and in upheavals throughout the Middle East? Syria, Iran, and Russia will join forces to attack and attempt to destroy Israel. It's already happening.

Last weekend I attended a Yoga/Ayurveda/Sacred Music Festival in Santa Monica, California (about 2 1/2 hours from San Diego). I was invited by an old friend who has always been into spirituality and higher consciousness, with a very global mindset, like myself, and another friend who I used to train Capoeira with in Arizona, several years ago. I've found that surrounding myself with like-minded individuals, with similar cultural interests, broader understanding of the world we live in, and open-minded acceptance of humankind's differences, bring me into a better personal space - mentally, spiritually, and even physically. While many of these open-minded transcendent folks may be more liberal in their political views, they don't aim to minimize mine, in fact we can dialog and interact with one another in a more open respectful and educated way. I mean, I respect their views and they respect mine, because we respect each other as fellow humankind, coexisting together. We share a common focus on health, wellness, and mindfulness, and this is what it really boils down to - the condition of the heart.

I finally hooked up my little TV I found in an alley in Seattle, so I could watch the Chargers pre-season NFL game yesterday. I just watched a surfing documentary on the Universal Sports network. They are in Bali, not only talking about the great surfing there, but about the culture of this beautiful part of the world. I have never been to Bali but from everything I've heard, I know I would absolutely love it. In addition to being paradise on earth, the locals these surfers encountered were so peaceful and centered. They described their religion as a mix between Hinduism and Buddhism. One cultural ritual some of the locals practiced was in giving offerings (looked like a plate of fruit and flowers, with incense) to both the low life (people who cause traffic accidents, mean or impatient people), and those they honor or revere (peaceful, positive, helpful people), and/or their gods. While I am spiritually grounded and can generally deduce good from bad energy fairly easily, I can also appreciate these types of ritual traditions of other cultures. In the Bible, Jesus instructs us: if someone asks for your shirt, give him your coat also (Matthew 5:40, paraphrased). Be mindful of those less fortunate than you, and treat others with the respect you'd expect. Be mindful of other walks of life, their cultural, religious, and political beliefs. We may be forced to live under a one-world government with them someday soon!

Since the festival last weekend, I have felt incredibly inspired, motivated, and more in-tune with my surroundings and my overall life path and mission on this earth. Despite current circumstances which are not ideal (aspects of finances, stock market, family's health, a few interpersonal relationships), I am more able to put these in proper perspective, and thrive in my own environment. In my current profession of teaching Yoga, I am also able to draw on these inner truths and higher consciousness, as strength comes from within. I always play international/world music in my classes, and I throw out all kinds of little nuggets regarding Yoga/Eastern philosophy and aspects of spirituality in my classes. Yoga is a mind-body practice, and known for centuries as one of the healing arts. It has its roots in ancient cultures of India and China, encompassing (and transcending) elements of Hinduism, Buddhism, incorporating meditation, transcendence, and expanded levels of consciousness and awareness. These concepts are foreign to a lot of Westerners, not only regarding religion (though Yoga itself is not a religion per se), but in challenging themselves to detach from unpleasant circumstances as they focus their gaze inward. Focusing on the breath for an entire hour as we stretch, balance, and strengthen our bodies is a simple way to do this - and ideally blend a little bit of East with West.

In addition to teaching Yoga, I will begin teaching my online class, World Culture and the Arts again in a few weeks. Besides vocationally, I have been striving to improve myself interpersonally, as I continue to weed out the rotten apples (people with negative energy, narrow-minded ideals, and shallow intentions). This process will only continue as I grow and progress in my own life. Speaking of apples, I admitted to my Facebook community that "the worst decision I ever made was selling my Apple stock in 1998", shortly before the iMac and iPod were introduced. One of my stock-savvy lawyer friends (whom I fondly refer to as "my lawyer" in my pet-naming system of friends and foes) pointed out that had I not sold it, my investment would have earned $30,000 by now. Another friend pointed out that this was indeed not the "worst" decision I've ever made, referring to some poor relationship choices. In re-evaluating this comment, I would indeed prioritize my mental/emotional health over any stock account. After all, in the words of Dierks Bentley (whom I had the opportunity to see in concert the other night), "I could make a million or wind up broke... can't take it with you when you go... so, free and easy down the road I go!" Time to take stock, in mind, body, and soul.

17 June 2011

la haim - to health

I'm sure you've raised your glass to another person, in a bar or at a dinner party, and said "cheers", in a toast to good fortune or otherwise reveling in celebration. In the Hebrew we raise our glass to toast and say "la haim", which when translated means "to health". Do you consider yourself healthy? Your initial reaction to this question might be "of course I am, that's a silly question". Many people consider themselves healthy, or at least in average health, regardless of unhealthy lifestyle choices they might intentionally make (or mind, body, for spirit). Many others take their health for granted, and even their own breath, which is a gift, as your breath sustains you. You are likely not hooked up to an oxygen tank, therefore awareness of your breath is secondary, if not completely dismissed from your thoughts. You instead might focus your thoughts on work, family, home responsibilities, social life, or even fixate on imperfections you find in others, and allow any of these things to "take over" your life or cause you undue stress. Many people claim they don't have time to work out, travel, or get outdoors into the fresh air, they say they are too busy, have no money, or otherwise speak negative or self-destructive thoughts over their circumstances. I have even heard people go as far as to say they don't have time for a friendship with someone, and they don't even care about another human being's health (physical, emotional, or spiritual), discrediting the beliefs or lifestyle choices of healthy people as "not good enough" for them, or invalid altogether. They prefer to fixate on their own negativity and speak negatively of others rather than to embrace friendship or even act cordial to other humans.

Take a few moments to consider which kind of person you are, healthy or unhealthy? If you claim to be a healthy individual, what parts of your daily lifestyle contribute to your good health? Do you go to the gym, practice yoga, hike, or go for walks around your neighborhood? Do you travel frequently, to explore your world, get out of your little box, and experience other cultures, cities, and countries? Do you eat healthy foods, raw vegetables, natural proteins, avoiding processed foods, bleached carbohydrates, and deep fried fatty excess? Is your weight at an ideal for your age, height, and bone structure? Do you take time to consciously recognize that the spine and core muscles protect your inner organs? Are all your organs in good working condition? How do you know, if you cannot see them? If yes, for how long do you project they will remain that way? Do you smoke, drink alcohol excessively, or use illegal drugs, or abuse any of these substances to the point of addiction? What about other addictions? Do you watch violent, bloody, gory movies, television shows, or play video games containing violence, promoting death and destruction? Do you think that as long as its fiction, then it has no effect on your real life? Did you graduate from high school? Were you active in sports, class council, or receive any honors or scholarships? Do you have a college degree, Bachelors or Masters? Do you read to enhance your personal life, challenge your mind, or increase your knowledge? Do you believe everything you read, hear on TV, or hear from other people, whether you know them well or not? Do you go to church, believe in God, or practice a religion or spiritual path? Do you embrace basic human principles such as "the Golden Rule", treating others (even strangers) with respect, or at least with some ounce of kindness and decency?

Life is a journey. Regardless of where you live in the world, what you do for work, how many children or siblings you have, and what kind of education you have chosen to obtain. As humans, we are all pilgrims on our own journey through life. One wrong choice can lead us into addiction, disease, or even an unwanted child (as if life itself were unwanted) leading to a negative mindset about some aspect of our health (mind, body, spirit). As humans we are also all created as spiritual beings. The simple act of respecting other humans shows that we have an evolved awareness and decision-making process beyond that of a non-evolved species, such as a household pet. Although I've met men who act like dogs, eat like pigs, and treat women like trash. If you have fallen guilty of that, please take some time to reflect on the above paragraphs, and consider the way you treat women - or disrespect them - as a part of a unhealthy lifestyle.

In this journey of life, wherever it takes you, Israel, Mexico, Japan, or the United States, coexistence with other humans is essential. When natural disasters strike such as have recently in Japan and the United States, connecting with other humans, respecting and caring about their lives, and even coming to their aid, is one outward way to demonstrate that you are a healthy person - you care enough to care about someone other than yourself. If a man-made disaster such as violent clashes in Israel and other parts of the Middle East, or acts of terrorism in any part of the world, we may suddenly find ourselves victim to the violence, in which case we can only hope our lives will be spared.

As for our own spiritual connection to the life journey, most people do believe in a higher force of life, a creator or a guide, whether a God, a prophet, angels, and also demons. The energy of the Universe suggests a greater life force, as evidenced by the vast creation of the earth, sky, stars, moon, sun, and planets. Choosing how or what we believe about these tangible aspects of environment as well as foundations built on faith, require a healthy mind, to work in tune with a healthy soul, or spirit. Just as the God of Israel led the Hebrew people out of the wilderness into their own homeland, He too can lead you to safety, out of and away from unhealthy lifestyles, unhealthy "friends" (who may support your unhealthy lifestyle while simultaneously making equally unhealthy choices of their own) just as He continues to provide a safe haven for the Jews despite violent clashes in their homeland.

Make a conscious effort today to live a healthy lifestyle, in the best way you can. You can begin by treating others with respect (even if you feel they've wronged you), and don't speak evil or negative thoughts over them - as you likely don't truly know what has gone on in their life journey. If you feel someone has wronged you, go to them and ask their forgiveness, make things right, instead of living with a grudge against them. Ill feelings or negative thoughts can also contribute to health problems, with the internal organs, excess weight, as well as a clouded mind or figuratively, a hardened heart. Raise your glass to health - "la haim" - as you embrace the world around you and make a conscious effort to be a positive person, on your own individual life journey on this planet.

25 May 2011

natural disasters

My blog has gotten a lot of hits this past week. I am guessing that my readers either expected me to have been "raptured" on Sunday, or to have written about the controversial "event." Well readers, sorry for the delay. I have been busy finishing up my last week of my online World Cultures class. I'm blessed to have been graced with the inspiration to start blogging again. Between my intensely engaging class and other recent social experiments regarding highly immoral people crossing my path, I have transcended beyond the mundane chit-chat that many of today's Americans engage in. I remember this happening as soon as I moved back to the USA from Israel also. I was in such a different headspace with focus on world events and international culture, that I almost felt as if I could not relate to the local folks back in Arizona, and even in San Diego, my home of 14 years where I returned after living abroad. The wisdom I have attained within my lifetime has indeed influenced my groundedness through recent challenges, providing essential levels of clarity, which has somewhat esoteric, if not surreal qualities.

I do realize my blogs are often hard to read and often even harder to digest. I also realize that many of my readers do not possess any type of higher education, and I've even noticed a particular readership who tend to "make fun of" or misinterpret much of what I have to say, and even go as far as taking it out of context. You can always ask me questions directly if you don't understand something, I am reach-able. Overall, I do try to expand on each of my thoughts, as thoughts become things - real and apparent, often manifesting in tangible ways within our lives. The Universe suggests we hold respect for ALL other living beings, in our presence, or within our reach (which if transcendence applies, projected energies of fellow beings are also included in this). I realize I must try to accept my critics, bear with them, stay positive regardless of their negativity. Hence I blog about my thoughts, my experiences, my thoughts regarding my experiences, and my experiences regarding my thoughts. Yes, indeed! Today I will touch on the Rapture, and on Natural Disasters. Are they related at all? How do they relate to the Divine, spiritual energy, or the Creator himself?

Throughout these past few weeks, the midwest and southern regions of the United States have endured the deadliest storms of this type since the 1940s. Hundreds have died, at least 700 injured, and nearly 1500 unaccounted for, in the Missouri area alone. One of my students was late for her presentation last night, because in her area of the country (Wyoming), her neighborhood was evacuated due to flooding. I had to accommodate her even though she arrived after all the other students had presented, and some had already left. Another student arrived late, supposedly because "it was his birthday". When he gave his presentation, he appeared less serious, as if perhaps he had been drinking before arriving to class. I had absolutely zero tolerance for him, although I had to try and pretend I did. I had the utmost respect for the woman who had survived the natural disaster in her city. I will admit that with my professional role as an instructor of many subjects at many levels, I have developed a high level of tolerance and despite my frequent ambivalence regarding challenging students. I can honestly say that I generally apply the same principles to non-work-related relationships, whenever possible, this is just my modus operandi. I try to keep an open mind and remain objective to them, giving people the benefit of the doubt in most cases. So now back to the weather...

Last night, there were 14 tornado warnings in effect. I have never been to the region of the US where these extreme storms are occurring, but have traveled around the US pretty extensively. If you haven't followed these storms, considerable footage is circulating on the internet right now, by amateur videographers and stormchasers alike, such as on holytornado.com. What causes such natural disasters? Are they controlled by the Divine Hand of God, or the wrath of God? Or are they simply mere *random* occurrences of nature? You may have heard phrases like "mother nature's stern warnings" or "don't piss off mother nature". If you don't believe in God as Creator of the Universe, then these more "earthly myths" might apply to you. Whatever your belief, do you not see the Hand of some Divine force? This is clearly not the work of humans. How is each powerful funnel formed and how is it ultimately so powerful to uproot trees, destroy buildings, pull people from cars, and take people/objects up into the sky - with no mercy upon landing - IF they land in one piece. Mother Nature (aka Father God) has n omercy. Similarly there has been considerable flooding in the central states in recent weeks, and of course you know about the recent Earthquake in Japan, and resulting tsunamis upon the Pacific Ocean to coastal cities. Recent extreme weather "happenings" have peaked the curiosity of critics and believers alike - could we be nearing "the End of the World"?

In my last blog regarding the Middle East "peace process", I mentioned that any Nation which intentionally turned its back on Israel (i.e. turn its back on God) would not be spared, and would be destroyed. These *natural catastrophes* began to occur right around the time B. Hussein began the "peace treaty" talks with Netanyahu. Other than Hurricane Katrina (the Gulf oil spill, and 911 which were essentially man-made disasters), and a few earthquakes off the coast of California, the US has never seen such widespread devastation, throughout the entire country. So, is this a mere *coincidence* that God is essentially "destroying" large areas of the United States right now, in the wake of the Middle East Peace process? No. This is a wake-up call, and America needs to wake up! Our President has attempted to take "control" over what goes on in God's Holy Land - divide Israel? But it's not his place! Well, this IS prophesied, in the Bible. From the time the "peace treaty" is signed, the 7 year Tribulation as a countdown to "the End of the World" will begin. In the end times there will be wars and rumors of wars, many more natural disasters than the world has ever known, and of course, widespread debauchery and immoral lifestyles, not to mention idolatry. People's hearts will have turned from God onto self, and even doing harm to others. The "Rapture" will occur before the end of the Tribulation, but "no man knows the day or the hour" -Matthew 24:36-37.

In the Biblical account of the Great Flood, God instructed Noah to build an ark, and take with him 2 of every living creature, to spare them from the upcoming flood which would cover the earth. Many people think of Noah's Ark as a "children's story", as the Bible is often referred to as "just stories", not applicable to our modern-day lives. But in this account, God decided he was going to destroy all of the evil in the world, washing everyone and everything away and just starting over with the few deemed as heirs to be the lone survivors on the boat. The reason for this flood was that the people had become way too immoral to even be considered human anymore - completely cracked-out and just blatantly belligerent. Those with immoral lifestyles, hostile treatment of others, and blatant disrespect of God can be compared to the people at the time of Noah before the Great Flood, or many the people living in America currently. But immoral people continue to cry: "why do bad things happen to good people?" Define "good" - are they really?

If the Great Flood was somehow "just a story", it should serve as an illustration to us: continue in your immoral ways, lewd conduct, inappropriate behaviors, disrespectful treatment of other humans, worship of idols or "other gods", sexual sins, and extreme debauchery - and you will be DESTROYED by the Wrath of God (or the forces of nature). Isn't this almost like the premise of "Hell" (for those that believe in the afterlife)? Isn't the Earth itself be a part of the Universe? What about inclement weather upon that very Earth? Are such natural phenomena NOT part of the Universe, thus NOT fair-game for "Mother Nature" or "Father God" to influence with the simple touch of a finger? In fact God would not even have to lift a finger, He could simply exhale and a volcano could erupt. You are just ONE PERSON, but your own life, limbs, home, city, or state could easily be destroyed by that exhale as well. Don't hate - appreciate - every breath you take. God judges the HEART. Worship of idols is one of the greatest sins of Biblical times. The first Commandment when God imparted the 10 Commandments to Moses in Sinai: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" -Exodus 20. This applied to both "graven images" as well as ANYTHING (another "deity", material possessions, another mortal person, a lifestyle choice) that comes between you and God.

As for the Rapture, "no man knows the day or the hour". This was perhaps the most essential little piece of information which was left out of the Rapture theory forecast by Harold Camping. Although many of his scriptural references were sound, he did not bring it all together. Just like many people in this world know "a lot of stuff", but without that connection, the simple missing puzzle pieces, words, phrases, or ideas - they cannot deliberate a solid theory. Likewise no man can "become" God or attempt to 1-up God somehow, or he will somehow be punished or destroyed. The same principle can apply to any situation, really. Understanding often comes after ALL the pieces of the puzzle are revealed and fall into place. The Bible itself is a free publication, accessible on the internet and free phone apps as well, but do people read it? How to understand if not by study? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. All I can recommend is: keep listening, thinking, asking questions, and seeking the Truth. Only the Truth will set you free!

God is a just God. But He brings people and situations to Justice in His own way, in His own time, by His own hand. Any man who puts himself before God, whether regarding Israel's independence, whether in a lifestyle of immorality, or in behaving with hostility or disrespect towards another human, God will judge them and deal with them accordingly. A Nation, a Team, or an individual. The Forces of the Universe (Mother Nature, etc) have no mercy. So think about this before you try to play "god". Human life is precious. We must be thankful for every breath, for all our working limbs, for life itself. We must continue to treat others with respect, especially if they are struggling or suffering in some way, physically or amidst their circumstances (you may not even know their background, or their current circumstance, so don't judge based on your ignorance). My heart goes out to the tornado and flood victims in the United States, but my heart remains turned towards God, as an American-born citizen, I stand for Israel as the the Holy Land of the Jews - even if the government of my country does not. Stand for something, or you will fall for anything. And you WILL be left behind.

20 May 2011

the peace process

This week's Scorpio Full Moon has certainly brought about the intensity for which it stands. A full moon is like a spotlight, shining down to help bring healing and resolution. "This Scorpio Full Moon is all about opening the heart and allowing the dark emotions to rise to the light of day and find the security and serenity offered" in that solace -for those who choose Love and Light for their lives. So how could I not blog about it? Time for some Scorpio intensity!

The week began on an intense note for the international community with the violent clashes in Israel, on 3 borders. Coincidentally on Sunday, I went to a pro-Israel rally/festival at Mission Bay in San Diego. It was mainly held to create awareness about Israel, and many of the Jewish organizations in the area were represented. Of course most of you know I lived in Israel for about a year, while working on my Masters in Middle East Studies. In fact the initial purpose of this blog was to document my travels, but since my return has turned into a collection of writings, political, sociological, philosophical, and religious in nature. Anyway when I got to the rally, there was quite a bit of security all around, I felt like I was being closely examined by a few of them. I was thinking, come on folks, don't I look Jewish to you? Well I got a little refresher on my Hebrew while I was there, and signed up to be involved with a few pro-Israel activist groups. Since I left Israel I have not done too much with my Middle East knowledge, my languages learned while over there, or my degree in general (I really only use my 1st MA, Communication). The reason for the heightened security at the rally was because Sunday marked Israel's 63rd anniversary of becoming a state in 1968, thus the anniversary of the Nakba. I was later informed that violent clashes had been erupting all day, by the Palestinians upon Israeli territory and inhabitants thereof.

The other day, President B. Hussein Obama declared publicly that he would be working towards a 2-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians, in the wake of the Scorpio Full Moon chaos over there. This is certainly not the first time a US President has declared such, in fact the Middle East Peace Process has been going on since the British first inhabited the land in 1917. But it is the first time since he was elected that - the Kenyan-born, Muslim-raised, somehow-elected US President - has even publicly considered "going there" since he's been in office. I vividly remember one of his campaign speeches during which time he was running against Hillary Clinton (his now Secretary of State, yes I still want her job) that he addressed this topic, and rambled on and on for what seemed like a half hour about his opinion on Israeli-Palestinian peace process and 2-state solution - a topic which was obvious he knew ZERO about! I'm sure he's been debriefed since that time, probably by his former Chief-of-Staff, the Jewish Rahm Emanuel (who I have a love-hate relationship with and wish he would have stuck around, but I digress) per his extensive international expertise. Either way, the majority of the American public has no clue about this region or the reasons why a 2-state solution is not feasible, primarily because they have no first-hand knowledge of the region, the people, the culture, or the inherent reality conceived only by living there and studying it while immersed in the culture. Do I understand it all? You betcha. After all, that's why I moved to Israel and obtained the degree that I did. And its in my blood, being of Jewish descent.

The Jews have been persecuted for years. Persecuted for their faith, persecuted for inhabiting the land which is rightfully theirs and has always been, persecuted for their success on this earth, in Israel and to the ends of the map. This is because the Jews are God's chosen people, they are His own, descendants of Abraham under the Covenant. The Arabs think they are, but their race was born of Isaac, Abraham's illegitimate child from which time he impregnated an Egyptian maidservant. History and politics are complex, especially in Israel, but let this be a lesson. No one can kick the Jews out of their homeland, not even B. Hussein with his wanna-be peace treaty. They say "peace peace" but there is not peace. True peace only comes from God, and from submitting to His will, placing Him as sovereign. The Bible indicates that anyone who denies God or denies Israel as the Jews homeland will be cursed. The US is in for a big surprise if we turn our back on Israel. Sure coexistence among warring factions in Israel is necessary, but they get along as fine as they can now, each going about their business, as long as they treat each other with respect. I lived there, I know how it is -not what the media tells you necessarily. If everyone could just be a little nicer to each other, more open to the others, and less resistant, they can accept it for what it is - necessary peaceful coexistence. The people I met first-hand while I lived there were ok with it, it is what it is basically. But the terror groups like Hamas make it really hard for people to simply BE PEACE. They blow things out of proportion, basing the mere need for their conflict on lies and ill-founded precedence.

Is it possible for these people to find the peace they seek? Yes, but only if they seek God first. If not for God's Peace, there can never be true peace, in this peace process, or for eternity. This applies to conflicts among warring factions and individuals alike. Our time on this earth is short, indeed too short to hold grudges, but as long as we do, we will have conflict (brought upon by the choice to maintain the negativity), as the energy of the Universe, Laws of Karma, and Wrath of God will dictate - and will show no mercy. The Golden Rule is the only way to live - lest we endure payback from the Universe, beyond the traditional Nakba.

28 November 2009

religious zealot

I was recently labeled a "religious zealot" by someone who, although they had never met me, did not seem fond of me (per a preconceived bias against Scorpios, and a problem with strong women in positions of authority). Like my existence was seemingly somehow unfair to her, as if I posed a challenge or threat to her comfort zone. At first I was taken aback by the comment and her attitude, and immediately told my mom about it, who is partly responsible for my Christian upbringing and unwavering faith in God. I asked, "can you believe she called me that?" and my mom answered "well, you ARE". I sat and mulled that one over all night, while poking around on my laptop and watching Christian satellite TV programming. I have recently become re-connected with these enlightening channels, and have resumed watching the very interesting international programming which is often shown. You could say I took a hiatus from my ritualistic absorption, with the baseball playoffs occupying my screen, and several recent trips out of town, the TV did not get my full attention.

The other night I watched a program called the Jesus Boat Revealed, which was an archaeological/historical commentary on the Galilee region (present day Tiberias) and relevant artifacts found there. While Jesus' ministry was focused throughout northern Israel, he spent a fair amount of time around the Sea of Galilee, including the famous "walking on water" episode. This boat, which was discovered in recent years, is commemorated in a museum/store just off the shore of the Sea of Galilee. While I visited this store during one of my trips to Tiberias, it was interesting to watch the historical commentary regarding this relic, by many credible researchers and ministers alike. This film in part helped re-ignite my fire for all things religious and historical. If you want to talk about religious persecution, Jesus was the Prime Mover. Religious zealot? If so, I copy. No time to be lukewarm, or the God of Israel will spew you out of his mouth. Do you think Jesus knew he would die at the age of 33?

Immediately following that program was a movie called Kabul 24. It was an account of 8 Westerners who were kidnapped and detained by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 2001, just prior to the terror attacks of 911. All 8 were accused of trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. The Taliban had them in a type of prison. At one point an English Journalist got thrown in there with them, for donning a burka and venturing into one of the Afghan cities. When interviewed about her observations in the prison, she stated "I've got religious fanatics on one side, and religious fanatics on the other side." She was released soon thereafter for her "unruly attitude". They probably would have kicked me out too, I would have asked "where is the salad bar?" The prisoners were tortured, and later forced to ask their governments for money as an exchange for their release. They were ultimately released shortly after 911, a point in time which these prisoners did not experience the same collective feeling that the rest of the world did.

At a Thanksgiving function yesterday, I got into a deep discussion about Judaism with my step-brother in law. I really don't remember how it came up, but I mentioned I went to a few Jewish Synagogues while living in Israel. Keep in mind that I am of Jewish descent, but am a Christian by faith. I was able to come and go freely while in Israel because of a student visa, and American citizenship. Not all inhabitants of the Holy Land have it that easy. Anyway, I shared with him that the men and the women are separated by a temporary wall or partition during the Jewish services. Same is true when visiting the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, women must enter to the right and cover their heads in reverence. Again regardless of your religious beliefs, everyone must follow the rules - when in Israel, do as the Jews do! Later my mom came up and contributed to the conversation by reminiscing about the bustling Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem at the end of Shabbat. We found ourselves there one Saturday night after a Messianic Jewish church service in a building nearby. She mentioned the groups of Chinese Christians singing and playing music, and that although Christian, we are referred to as "Believers" in Israel, to distinguish us from the Catholics and other Christian sects.

I think I like this new title, I can get used to it! But my blog about me the "religious zealot" would not be complete without honorable mention of my Palestinian refugee Muslim boyfriend (who I met in Berlin). A week or so ago, I spoke with a man claiming to be Palestinian, hailing from the island of Cyprus (ok dude, you are mistakenly Greek, not Palestinian). I had approached him and asked "is that a Palestinian scarf?" referring to a distinctly patterned cloth draped around his neck. He asked me "how do you know about that?" I answered "uh, because I had a Palestinian boyfriend?" He became mesmerized by me. I admitted that I had lived in Israel/Palestine for about a year and had earned a Master's Degree in Middle Eastern Studies - a truly life-changing experience. He then asked me, "what do you think about the Israeli-Palestinian issue?" I was like "are you serious? do you realize what a loaded topic that is? how much time do you have?" His time was limited, and although he was interested what I had to say, he concluded "I don't think we're on the same page". This inclination may have been partly due to my admission of being 1/4 Jewish. I told him if these people had roofs over their heads, he didn't really need to worry about it, personally!

There is a difference between being a "religious zealot" and holding a Master's Degree in Middle Eastern Studies from an Israeli University, and a Bachelor's Degree from a Christian/Nazarene College. Errr, or is there? You decide. I may have studied Islam, but I do not typically wear a hijab as the Muslim women do. I may have lived in Israel, but I do not speak fluent Hebrew as the modern Jews do. I may have bought a rosary while in Brazil, but I do not say the Hail Marys as Catholics do. I may have spent time in Greece, but that does not make me Orthodox. I may practice Yoga, but I do not bow to the Hindu deities. And I may be a Believer, but I will not be persecuted for my Faith. Call me what you will, but knowledge is power, and the Power of God is behind me.

01 October 2009

whats your raashee?

Last night, I watched a Hindi movie called "What's Your Raashee?" (What's Your Sun Sign?) It was a perfect movie for me to see, because I'm really into Astrological signs and the various personal traits which accompany each. I'm also really into Hindi movies and Indian culture. I had invited a friend to go with me, whose mom is actually an Astrologer. I thought he would really appreciate it too, not only for the astrology, but because in the Indian culture most of the marriages are arranged, and his mom coincidentally chooses who he can and can't date (though she doesn't subscribe to Hindu philosophies in general). Anyway the plot of the movie was a Scorpio man's family giving him an ultimatum that he had to get married within a few weeks. After joining a dating service, and getting 167 interested women to respond to his ad, he decided to choose 12 to date, 1 from each sun sign.

While this movie portrayed a pretty darn accurate assessment of each of the sun signs and their respective traits, I was surprised that the Scorpio man ended up marrying the Aquarius woman in the end. Sorry to spoil the ending for those who have not seen it, but it was obvious the pair hit it off from the beginning. The Taurus was a total crackpot, he referred to her as "raving mad". I thought that was really funny because I recently dated a Taurus with an insane temper, similar perspective though the Taurus woman in the movie had more of a playful spirit, and she was indeed pretty crazy! Its funny to me because supposedly Taurus is the best match for Scorpio, intensity wise for sure, and in all other areas that really "count". The character did agree to marry her at one point however the uncle wouldn't allow it because he too agreed that she was crazy!

I would have also chosen for him the Cancer (whom he definitely took a liking to on a "deeper" level), and of course the Scorpio (ok so I'm a bit biased). The Scorpio reminded me of myself to a T! She was funny, fun, exciting, intense, energetic, hilarious, sexy, smart (rattled off facts as I often do), and beautiful in many ways. Her cousin(?) the main character's roommate, had described her as "a lot of woman", and that she was "too much" for most guys to handle. Thus she was still single despite the fact that her parents had been trying to marry her off and she instead had aspirations to become a fashion model. Her character initially came across as shy and reserved, someone very different than her true sun sign reflected, which is inherently part of the Scorpio mystique! I suppose with all Scorpios, you really need to get to know us, as we are certainly the most exotic and intense of the signs -but only those privileged enough to be let in to our inner circle will get to experience this amazing energy and wonderful benefits which accompany that!

In my study of Yoga over the last several years, I have acquired a fondness of Hindi movies during the same timeframe, likewise I have learned a lot about the Indian culture, rituals, and religion. In the Hindu religion there are many gods, versus the Judeo-Christian tradition (which I belong to) in which there is only one God. Perhaps my favorite is the Hindu Deity Ganesha, the elephant-headed prince. Ganesha is known as the "Remover of Obstacles", but also resides over the realms of wisdom, luck, doorways, the household and writing. He is normally depicted with four arms, each holding something symbolic. The modaka symbolizes the sweet rewards gained while on the spiritual path. The ankusha represents Ganesha’s role in prodding one out of inertia and back onto their spiritual path. The pasa symbolizes Ganesha’s powers at curbing the ego, restraining passion and conquering delusion. He has the power to remove any obstacle, whether it is physical or spiritual, from the path of his devotees. If one is not respectful or faithful to Ganesha, he is known to place obstacles in one’s path to render worship fruitless and cause one’s undertakings to fail.

So what's your raashee? We can seek balance and harmony in any relationship, but only if the obstacles are removed. Stubbornness, ego, delusion, or another person's unhealthy interference can all contribute, thus rendering the true seekers of peace and love helpless in their quest. Recognize the root of the issue and pull it out - pull HARD if you have to! Do whatever it takes, but don't let any obstacles spoil your party! Press on towards your goal, and be persistent as you stand your ground. As for arranged marriages (or marriages in general), this is a decision between 2 consenting adults, but should not be influenced or determined by the parents. I have seen one too many a parent interfere in his or her daughter or son's relationship, thereby causing unnecessary stress and undue torture even. If two people's signs are compatible, and they connect upon their first meeting, they will know and recognize if they have important desires and life goals in common. Parents nowadays certainly have a great responsibility to raise and protect their children, of course until they are grown and living on their own. Namaste.

19 June 2009

and the winner is...

Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, voted Iranian President for his second term. With a 85% record high turnout for the election, AJ received nearly 63% of the vote. He described the election as "free and healthy", claiming that "triumph represents a great achievement for the country." However, Friday night before the official results emerged, former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi appeared to be the winner. The public could hardly believe that the election results could have changed dramatically overnight, suggesting there were voting violations and fraudulent vote rigging during the election. Upon the announcement of AJ's victory, protests broke out in the streets of Iran, and have continued for the past week. Many of Mousavi's supporters are protesting AJ's victory, as they are resisting the continuation of a governance of lies and dictatorship. The protests have turned to riots, and the Iranian government has blocked most internet access and communication within and out of Iran in their attempt to "control" the Iranian population. Very limited media access remains, and pirated access to social networking sites include YouTube uploads and Twitter updates, with footage and reports of the outrage. I am fascinated by this coverage, as I have been blogging about AJ for years.

Ayatollah Ali Khomeni has instructed the Iranians to unite and support AJs victory, that it was a legitimate election. However, 70% of the population in Iran reportedly wants to be free of these radical religious "thugs". Thus the protests continue, echoing "where is my vote?" and questioning the accuracy of the election. The Ayatollah and Ahmedinejad want to instill Global Sharia Law, and they believe all nations should come under their regime. This religious scheme is certainly more realistic to them, but seems totally far fetched to most other countries. In general, the secular do not take the religious seriously, given their seemingly idealized versions of life. The secular-minded people are so estranged from religion that they don't realize religious aspects carry such heavy weight to many people who are religious. Many news sources and politicians believe that many of the things AJ says are just internal rhetoric - not as though he is serious or wants to die himself. But not only is he serious, he believes that he will hasten the return of the 12th Imam, or Madhi. He believes Israel should be destroyed, and that the Holocaust never really happened.

Shortly after his election victory, AJ gave a public address in which he stated, "who dares to threaten Iran in the world? God willing this year if I go to UN I will ask 'which one of you dares threaten Iran? Please raise your hand - and I will cut your hand off'." Ayatolla Khomeni supports the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmendinejad, as he addressed the Islamic Republic of Iran on the issue of his re-election to the masses just yesterday. His speech was televised throughout the world, and his faithful supporters present at his public address chanted "Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to the West!" Any reader of the Quran can tell you that their text clearly suggests anyone who does not follow Islam is considered an "infidel" and must be killed. Targeting of the West by Muslim Extremists is not a new phenomenon. Besides the Islamic attacks of 911 on America, numerous bombings in London, France, and India (among others) indicate that any nation who does not subscribe to the rhetoric and ideology of these religious zealots has a target on their heads. The Iranian-Israeli rivalry has been present for years, regardless of Iran's intention to produce nuclear weapons. Other countries in the Middle East (except for maybe Syria) and throughout the world would also be fearful or a nuclear Iran, as the effect of an attack on Israel would be resonate throughout the region.

Meanwhile on the topic of nuclear threats, a new threat arises from a rogue nation, North Korea, officially known as the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK). The Republic will push ahead with its nuclear weapons program although the UN Security Council has imposed wider sanctions on the DPRK. They absolutely won't abandon their weapons development, in fact counter-measures include weaponizing new plutonium and enriching uranium. Their uranium enrichment program was previously somewhat secret, but not only are they turning these elements into nuclear warheads, their ruler recently claimed "we will never give up nuclear ambitions". US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called Kim Jong-il's response "regrettable", and the UN will be imposing new sanctions on the DPRK. Despite the sanctions and condemnation by the international community, they continue to threaten anyone who attempts to interfere in their efforts. If anyone attempts to blockade their ships, they will attack the ships, as they did in dealing with hostile acts of the US military buildup at the border of North and South Korea. The DPRK blames South Korea for following US policy and cooperating with their US ally. The DPRK has threatened to fire a missile at Hawaii on July 4. As I plan to return to Hawaii soon, I will remember to not make my travel reservations for US Independence Day. But how long will we keep our independence? Depends how long we will stand around and do nothing when a New Hitler threatens to seek and destroy.

21 May 2009

national solution

in the United States, a bill was recently passed by Congress which now allows people to bring guns into National Parks. This bill was "hidden" as a piece of "pork" inside another, more relevant bill. However, anti-gun activists have been trying to suppress our 2nd Amendment rights for quite some time, some of them within our very own US Congress. Thus the passing of such a bill came as a surprise to many people. While I am not a gun owner myself, I had the opportunity to go to a shooting range in 2007 with a gun owner. The 2nd Amendment is an important part of many US Citizens' lives, but many careless people are also just as willing and able to carry guns - especially if the Government allows them to do so at will.

in Israel, anyone can walk the streets carrying a gun. This seemed strange to me when I visited the Jewish nation in 2006. I will never forget being in a cafe in Eilat (resort town on the Red Sea at the southern tip of Israel) and seeing a girl in her 20's carrying a semi-automatic weapon draped diagonally over her shoulder like one would carry a satchel or book bag. She was just a few people ahead of me in the line to order a coffee, and this was probably the closest I'd ever been to such a weapon. Cafes in Jerusalem seem to have tighter security, there are usually security guards upon entering just about any establishment. It would be less likely to see a gun inside a Jerusalem cafe. My suitcase has been disemboweled by airport security in Tel Aviv on more than one occasion, so I have definitely experienced their tight security policies first-hand. Israel is perhaps at the highest risk of threat by terrorists and unwarranted attacks than any other nation.

in Iran, the country's President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad threatens to destroy Israel on a daily basis. He has reiterated this in many public speeches, and in a recent address to the United Nations, he received applause at some of his opening statements referring to such an attack. Perhaps because many people do not understand Farsii, or his Islamic undertones in his "hastening the Mahdi" rhetoric, or because there are other people who think the Nation of Israel should be destroyed. Whether their reasons are political or religious, this anti-semetic spirit is alive and well throughout the world. Yesterday, Iran fired a "test" missile which could have reached as far as Europe. This unwarranted incident alerted many news media sources as well as governments around the world, especially in light of the recently proposed "two state solution" for Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Perhaps it is time to take Ahmedinejad's daily threats seriously, or are we ready for Armageddon?

in Cuba, terrorists from around the world are often detained in a place called the Guantanamo Bay Prison Camp. This facility has served as an excellent "home away from home" for dangerous terrorist offenders. Since many of their crimes are internationally-focused, housing them on an international base has proven to be both appropriate and effective. Their crimes are against humanity as a whole, not necessarily against a person or even a nation in most cases. When the Muslim-raised Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the US President last November, he promised to close Guantanamo within one year. It appears as though he intends to follow up on his campaign promise, as doing so may perhaps benefit the economy in some way. However US National Security may be sacrificed in this process, as the prisoners will likely be moved to US Prisons rather than released. Nobody knows for sure, but is closing Guantanamo really a viable national or international solution?

Little positive can be said for our Nation when people remain uneducated on National Security and even personal defense. I recently heard someone accuse me of carrying automatic weapons (as though I do this regularly). However what they actually observed was a picture on one of my personal websites from that day at the shooting range in 2007. Because I am a small person, I can only handle the smaller guns - again I am supervised by the guns' owner, an "expert" on guns. The funniest part of their false allegation is that the gun they referred to as an "automatic" weapon was a mere 22 caliber (one of the smallest guns on the market), inside a "rifle" case. Thus it appears to look like a larger gun, especially when held by a petite 95 pound woman, and perhaps even moreso to someone who knows absolutely nothing about guns. However in reality, neither a 22 or a rifle is ever considered to be an "automatic" weapon. I was then informed that this 200 pound individual was "afraid of me" after seeing the picture of me holding the 22, and sought to obtain a "restraining order" against me! As though I had left the shooting range with the gun that did not belong to me and had wandered into his backyard like a displaced refugee bandit. This man was also later reported to be frightened by a public press photo of Sarah Palin (lifetime NRA member) holding a gun, also posted on my personal MySpace site. I have no doubts that Palin is fully capable of operating such a weapon, though I do not know her personally. My friend the gun owner and I have laughed about this for quite some time. It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people can be to the truth, but if they would just take the time to educate themselves (and even ask questions to people like us directly), they might become enlightened to reality. Most importantly, the issues that concern our security, and that not everyone possesses such terrorist motives as Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.

As for our National Security, allowing citizens to carry guns into an increased number of public places is not necessarily the solution. Transporting terrorists to our mainland from a soon-to-be closed international island prison (thereby allowing them easier access to our great nation) is not necessarily the solution either. And just sitting back while terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian leaders continue to fire their missiles into other countries is not the most worthwhile solution either. Yesterday's Iranian missile hit the Indian Ocean, but what if it would have hit India itself? Would that have been "ok" in the eyes of the international community, since the target was actually Israel? Was this merely a "test", or perhaps just a "mistake" by Iran, since Ahmedinejad's self-proclaimed motives are supposedly "peaceful"? Take some time to educate yourselves on the facts surrounding these important issues. If you do not think they pertain to you directly, you may want to think again, especially if you live in one of the aforementioned countries or their neighboring nations.

19 March 2009

beautiful places

Of all the beautiful places in the world, I had never been to Hawaii until last week. I never really had a reason to go. But some friends of mine were getting married on the beach in Maui, which gave me an excuse to get out and explore. It had really been a while since I'd traveled anywhere, with New York and Canada being my prime trips last year. As many of you know, 2006 and 2007 were filled with international journeys, during which time an incredible life-changing experience occurred while living in the Holy Land of Israel.

When I up-and-moved to Israel, ready to start a new life and pursue a degree program, I had never done anything like that before. Having lived in only the US southwest for the majority of my life, any trip out of town was a big deal, though I have always traveled quite a bit during my lifetime. But a move to the other side of the world, though somewhat temporary, really got me out of my comfort zone. While traveling and living abroad, and without the distractions of "home" I was able to gain a clearer perspective overall.

Talking to a close friend on the phone just last night, I was reminded of reasons I left San Diego at least 4 times, the petty engagements and low-life mindset of many of the city's residents. In other words, the kinds of things that people uphold as priorities in their lives mean little to nothing to me, and I simply can't relate. Upon returning from Israel and then Greece, I found I could not easily connect with people here on the mainland anymore, at least not in quite the same way. Could this be some form of transcendence? Or just a realization of societal evolution to its now backwards state? There's something about travel that clears the mind, and connects all the senses. If yours are disconnected, I'd recommend a week-long trip away from your element.

Brazil and Greece are perhaps two of the most beautiful places I'd ever been in my lifetime, and I thought nowhere could surpass their landscapes to behold. I was proven wrong last week. When I arrived in Maui, my breath was immediately taken away, even on a misty evening like last Monday night. The sun was setting, and the air was humid and temperate. Rain loomed in the air, but it did not actually rain. I retrieved my luggage and headed to the rental car location, only to be awarded a car with a license plate bearing my initials. This was going to be my week indeed, my week in paradise. Although it was dark by the time I arrived to my hotel, I immediately went out to the beach and spent considerable time simply celebrating the fact that I was in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I was set on a course for adventure, a much needed time in paradise.

The first few days of the trip were all about unwinding, relaxing, and becoming familiar with my new surroundings. I met up with my friends for their wedding festivities beginning later the first night, and then at least one activity per day. By the second day I came to the realization that Hawaii was a lot like Brazil, only CLEAN. The Island of Maui possesses much of the same type of lush tropical landscape and beautiful tranquil beaches, but without the third-world feeling. In fact, I was in the lap of luxury, surrounded by resorts and upscale condos, with prices to match. But I didn't really mind that aspect, simply being there among all that beauty gave me a greater sense of peace then I have ever felt on the mainland. As close as I have felt to the wholeness I experienced while living in the Holy Land. I suppose if I can't be in a war-torn nation due to safety concerns, I should probably pick a beautiful place of tranquility to consider for my future home.

While in Maui, I participated in a few boating excursions, in addition to many hours spent on various beautiful beaches. On the second night, we embarked on a sunset dinner cruise which served as the rehearsal dinner for the wedding party, I being a guest of the Best Man. In the water we saw several whales, and stood in awe of the green mountainous and rocky coastline, bearing similarities to the coastlines of Greece. Any time I am on a boat NOT in the San Diego harbor, I am reminded of the cruise I went on throughout some of the Greek Isles, a journey I intend to embark upon for a longer timeframe later this year. The beautiful mountain observed during our dinner cruise was graced by a low-lying cloud, covering half the mountain. See my Hawaii galleries for the amazing image of the mountain and gorgeous coastlines.

Although I was in Hawaii for 5 days, this was not enough time, and I decided that I must return as soon as possible. I am now considering the idea of moving there, as I do all of my work online, it can be done from anywhere. My other option is to travel as much as possible this year, though I am due for a change of pace, a change of lifestyle after undergoing some very tumultuous times in recent months. While my primary residences of Phoenix and San Diego are amazing in their own way, there are many beautiful places in the world to travel to OR to live. I choose to surround myself with beauty - beautiful places are where I thrive, and connect with God within.