25 May 2011

natural disasters

My blog has gotten a lot of hits this past week. I am guessing that my readers either expected me to have been "raptured" on Sunday, or to have written about the controversial "event." Well readers, sorry for the delay. I have been busy finishing up my last week of my online World Cultures class. I'm blessed to have been graced with the inspiration to start blogging again. Between my intensely engaging class and other recent social experiments regarding highly immoral people crossing my path, I have transcended beyond the mundane chit-chat that many of today's Americans engage in. I remember this happening as soon as I moved back to the USA from Israel also. I was in such a different headspace with focus on world events and international culture, that I almost felt as if I could not relate to the local folks back in Arizona, and even in San Diego, my home of 14 years where I returned after living abroad. The wisdom I have attained within my lifetime has indeed influenced my groundedness through recent challenges, providing essential levels of clarity, which has somewhat esoteric, if not surreal qualities.

I do realize my blogs are often hard to read and often even harder to digest. I also realize that many of my readers do not possess any type of higher education, and I've even noticed a particular readership who tend to "make fun of" or misinterpret much of what I have to say, and even go as far as taking it out of context. You can always ask me questions directly if you don't understand something, I am reach-able. Overall, I do try to expand on each of my thoughts, as thoughts become things - real and apparent, often manifesting in tangible ways within our lives. The Universe suggests we hold respect for ALL other living beings, in our presence, or within our reach (which if transcendence applies, projected energies of fellow beings are also included in this). I realize I must try to accept my critics, bear with them, stay positive regardless of their negativity. Hence I blog about my thoughts, my experiences, my thoughts regarding my experiences, and my experiences regarding my thoughts. Yes, indeed! Today I will touch on the Rapture, and on Natural Disasters. Are they related at all? How do they relate to the Divine, spiritual energy, or the Creator himself?

Throughout these past few weeks, the midwest and southern regions of the United States have endured the deadliest storms of this type since the 1940s. Hundreds have died, at least 700 injured, and nearly 1500 unaccounted for, in the Missouri area alone. One of my students was late for her presentation last night, because in her area of the country (Wyoming), her neighborhood was evacuated due to flooding. I had to accommodate her even though she arrived after all the other students had presented, and some had already left. Another student arrived late, supposedly because "it was his birthday". When he gave his presentation, he appeared less serious, as if perhaps he had been drinking before arriving to class. I had absolutely zero tolerance for him, although I had to try and pretend I did. I had the utmost respect for the woman who had survived the natural disaster in her city. I will admit that with my professional role as an instructor of many subjects at many levels, I have developed a high level of tolerance and despite my frequent ambivalence regarding challenging students. I can honestly say that I generally apply the same principles to non-work-related relationships, whenever possible, this is just my modus operandi. I try to keep an open mind and remain objective to them, giving people the benefit of the doubt in most cases. So now back to the weather...

Last night, there were 14 tornado warnings in effect. I have never been to the region of the US where these extreme storms are occurring, but have traveled around the US pretty extensively. If you haven't followed these storms, considerable footage is circulating on the internet right now, by amateur videographers and stormchasers alike, such as on holytornado.com. What causes such natural disasters? Are they controlled by the Divine Hand of God, or the wrath of God? Or are they simply mere *random* occurrences of nature? You may have heard phrases like "mother nature's stern warnings" or "don't piss off mother nature". If you don't believe in God as Creator of the Universe, then these more "earthly myths" might apply to you. Whatever your belief, do you not see the Hand of some Divine force? This is clearly not the work of humans. How is each powerful funnel formed and how is it ultimately so powerful to uproot trees, destroy buildings, pull people from cars, and take people/objects up into the sky - with no mercy upon landing - IF they land in one piece. Mother Nature (aka Father God) has n omercy. Similarly there has been considerable flooding in the central states in recent weeks, and of course you know about the recent Earthquake in Japan, and resulting tsunamis upon the Pacific Ocean to coastal cities. Recent extreme weather "happenings" have peaked the curiosity of critics and believers alike - could we be nearing "the End of the World"?

In my last blog regarding the Middle East "peace process", I mentioned that any Nation which intentionally turned its back on Israel (i.e. turn its back on God) would not be spared, and would be destroyed. These *natural catastrophes* began to occur right around the time B. Hussein began the "peace treaty" talks with Netanyahu. Other than Hurricane Katrina (the Gulf oil spill, and 911 which were essentially man-made disasters), and a few earthquakes off the coast of California, the US has never seen such widespread devastation, throughout the entire country. So, is this a mere *coincidence* that God is essentially "destroying" large areas of the United States right now, in the wake of the Middle East Peace process? No. This is a wake-up call, and America needs to wake up! Our President has attempted to take "control" over what goes on in God's Holy Land - divide Israel? But it's not his place! Well, this IS prophesied, in the Bible. From the time the "peace treaty" is signed, the 7 year Tribulation as a countdown to "the End of the World" will begin. In the end times there will be wars and rumors of wars, many more natural disasters than the world has ever known, and of course, widespread debauchery and immoral lifestyles, not to mention idolatry. People's hearts will have turned from God onto self, and even doing harm to others. The "Rapture" will occur before the end of the Tribulation, but "no man knows the day or the hour" -Matthew 24:36-37.

In the Biblical account of the Great Flood, God instructed Noah to build an ark, and take with him 2 of every living creature, to spare them from the upcoming flood which would cover the earth. Many people think of Noah's Ark as a "children's story", as the Bible is often referred to as "just stories", not applicable to our modern-day lives. But in this account, God decided he was going to destroy all of the evil in the world, washing everyone and everything away and just starting over with the few deemed as heirs to be the lone survivors on the boat. The reason for this flood was that the people had become way too immoral to even be considered human anymore - completely cracked-out and just blatantly belligerent. Those with immoral lifestyles, hostile treatment of others, and blatant disrespect of God can be compared to the people at the time of Noah before the Great Flood, or many the people living in America currently. But immoral people continue to cry: "why do bad things happen to good people?" Define "good" - are they really?

If the Great Flood was somehow "just a story", it should serve as an illustration to us: continue in your immoral ways, lewd conduct, inappropriate behaviors, disrespectful treatment of other humans, worship of idols or "other gods", sexual sins, and extreme debauchery - and you will be DESTROYED by the Wrath of God (or the forces of nature). Isn't this almost like the premise of "Hell" (for those that believe in the afterlife)? Isn't the Earth itself be a part of the Universe? What about inclement weather upon that very Earth? Are such natural phenomena NOT part of the Universe, thus NOT fair-game for "Mother Nature" or "Father God" to influence with the simple touch of a finger? In fact God would not even have to lift a finger, He could simply exhale and a volcano could erupt. You are just ONE PERSON, but your own life, limbs, home, city, or state could easily be destroyed by that exhale as well. Don't hate - appreciate - every breath you take. God judges the HEART. Worship of idols is one of the greatest sins of Biblical times. The first Commandment when God imparted the 10 Commandments to Moses in Sinai: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" -Exodus 20. This applied to both "graven images" as well as ANYTHING (another "deity", material possessions, another mortal person, a lifestyle choice) that comes between you and God.

As for the Rapture, "no man knows the day or the hour". This was perhaps the most essential little piece of information which was left out of the Rapture theory forecast by Harold Camping. Although many of his scriptural references were sound, he did not bring it all together. Just like many people in this world know "a lot of stuff", but without that connection, the simple missing puzzle pieces, words, phrases, or ideas - they cannot deliberate a solid theory. Likewise no man can "become" God or attempt to 1-up God somehow, or he will somehow be punished or destroyed. The same principle can apply to any situation, really. Understanding often comes after ALL the pieces of the puzzle are revealed and fall into place. The Bible itself is a free publication, accessible on the internet and free phone apps as well, but do people read it? How to understand if not by study? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. All I can recommend is: keep listening, thinking, asking questions, and seeking the Truth. Only the Truth will set you free!

God is a just God. But He brings people and situations to Justice in His own way, in His own time, by His own hand. Any man who puts himself before God, whether regarding Israel's independence, whether in a lifestyle of immorality, or in behaving with hostility or disrespect towards another human, God will judge them and deal with them accordingly. A Nation, a Team, or an individual. The Forces of the Universe (Mother Nature, etc) have no mercy. So think about this before you try to play "god". Human life is precious. We must be thankful for every breath, for all our working limbs, for life itself. We must continue to treat others with respect, especially if they are struggling or suffering in some way, physically or amidst their circumstances (you may not even know their background, or their current circumstance, so don't judge based on your ignorance). My heart goes out to the tornado and flood victims in the United States, but my heart remains turned towards God, as an American-born citizen, I stand for Israel as the the Holy Land of the Jews - even if the government of my country does not. Stand for something, or you will fall for anything. And you WILL be left behind.

20 May 2011

the peace process

This week's Scorpio Full Moon has certainly brought about the intensity for which it stands. A full moon is like a spotlight, shining down to help bring healing and resolution. "This Scorpio Full Moon is all about opening the heart and allowing the dark emotions to rise to the light of day and find the security and serenity offered" in that solace -for those who choose Love and Light for their lives. So how could I not blog about it? Time for some Scorpio intensity!

The week began on an intense note for the international community with the violent clashes in Israel, on 3 borders. Coincidentally on Sunday, I went to a pro-Israel rally/festival at Mission Bay in San Diego. It was mainly held to create awareness about Israel, and many of the Jewish organizations in the area were represented. Of course most of you know I lived in Israel for about a year, while working on my Masters in Middle East Studies. In fact the initial purpose of this blog was to document my travels, but since my return has turned into a collection of writings, political, sociological, philosophical, and religious in nature. Anyway when I got to the rally, there was quite a bit of security all around, I felt like I was being closely examined by a few of them. I was thinking, come on folks, don't I look Jewish to you? Well I got a little refresher on my Hebrew while I was there, and signed up to be involved with a few pro-Israel activist groups. Since I left Israel I have not done too much with my Middle East knowledge, my languages learned while over there, or my degree in general (I really only use my 1st MA, Communication). The reason for the heightened security at the rally was because Sunday marked Israel's 63rd anniversary of becoming a state in 1968, thus the anniversary of the Nakba. I was later informed that violent clashes had been erupting all day, by the Palestinians upon Israeli territory and inhabitants thereof.

The other day, President B. Hussein Obama declared publicly that he would be working towards a 2-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians, in the wake of the Scorpio Full Moon chaos over there. This is certainly not the first time a US President has declared such, in fact the Middle East Peace Process has been going on since the British first inhabited the land in 1917. But it is the first time since he was elected that - the Kenyan-born, Muslim-raised, somehow-elected US President - has even publicly considered "going there" since he's been in office. I vividly remember one of his campaign speeches during which time he was running against Hillary Clinton (his now Secretary of State, yes I still want her job) that he addressed this topic, and rambled on and on for what seemed like a half hour about his opinion on Israeli-Palestinian peace process and 2-state solution - a topic which was obvious he knew ZERO about! I'm sure he's been debriefed since that time, probably by his former Chief-of-Staff, the Jewish Rahm Emanuel (who I have a love-hate relationship with and wish he would have stuck around, but I digress) per his extensive international expertise. Either way, the majority of the American public has no clue about this region or the reasons why a 2-state solution is not feasible, primarily because they have no first-hand knowledge of the region, the people, the culture, or the inherent reality conceived only by living there and studying it while immersed in the culture. Do I understand it all? You betcha. After all, that's why I moved to Israel and obtained the degree that I did. And its in my blood, being of Jewish descent.

The Jews have been persecuted for years. Persecuted for their faith, persecuted for inhabiting the land which is rightfully theirs and has always been, persecuted for their success on this earth, in Israel and to the ends of the map. This is because the Jews are God's chosen people, they are His own, descendants of Abraham under the Covenant. The Arabs think they are, but their race was born of Isaac, Abraham's illegitimate child from which time he impregnated an Egyptian maidservant. History and politics are complex, especially in Israel, but let this be a lesson. No one can kick the Jews out of their homeland, not even B. Hussein with his wanna-be peace treaty. They say "peace peace" but there is not peace. True peace only comes from God, and from submitting to His will, placing Him as sovereign. The Bible indicates that anyone who denies God or denies Israel as the Jews homeland will be cursed. The US is in for a big surprise if we turn our back on Israel. Sure coexistence among warring factions in Israel is necessary, but they get along as fine as they can now, each going about their business, as long as they treat each other with respect. I lived there, I know how it is -not what the media tells you necessarily. If everyone could just be a little nicer to each other, more open to the others, and less resistant, they can accept it for what it is - necessary peaceful coexistence. The people I met first-hand while I lived there were ok with it, it is what it is basically. But the terror groups like Hamas make it really hard for people to simply BE PEACE. They blow things out of proportion, basing the mere need for their conflict on lies and ill-founded precedence.

Is it possible for these people to find the peace they seek? Yes, but only if they seek God first. If not for God's Peace, there can never be true peace, in this peace process, or for eternity. This applies to conflicts among warring factions and individuals alike. Our time on this earth is short, indeed too short to hold grudges, but as long as we do, we will have conflict (brought upon by the choice to maintain the negativity), as the energy of the Universe, Laws of Karma, and Wrath of God will dictate - and will show no mercy. The Golden Rule is the only way to live - lest we endure payback from the Universe, beyond the traditional Nakba.