and the winner is...
Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, voted Iranian President for his second term. With a 85% record high turnout for the election, AJ received nearly 63% of the vote. He described the election as "free and healthy", claiming that "triumph represents a great achievement for the country." However, Friday night before the official results emerged, former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi appeared to be the winner. The public could hardly believe that the election results could have changed dramatically overnight, suggesting there were voting violations and fraudulent vote rigging during the election. Upon the announcement of AJ's victory, protests broke out in the streets of Iran, and have continued for the past week. Many of Mousavi's supporters are protesting AJ's victory, as they are resisting the continuation of a governance of lies and dictatorship. The protests have turned to riots, and the Iranian government has blocked most internet access and communication within and out of Iran in their attempt to "control" the Iranian population. Very limited media access remains, and pirated access to social networking sites include YouTube uploads and Twitter updates, with footage and reports of the outrage. I am fascinated by this coverage, as I have been blogging about AJ for years.
Ayatollah Ali Khomeni has instructed the Iranians to unite and support AJs victory, that it was a legitimate election. However, 70% of the population in Iran reportedly wants to be free of these radical religious "thugs". Thus the protests continue, echoing "where is my vote?" and questioning the accuracy of the election. The Ayatollah and Ahmedinejad want to instill Global Sharia Law, and they believe all nations should come under their regime. This religious scheme is certainly more realistic to them, but seems totally far fetched to most other countries. In general, the secular do not take the religious seriously, given their seemingly idealized versions of life. The secular-minded people are so estranged from religion that they don't realize religious aspects carry such heavy weight to many people who are religious. Many news sources and politicians believe that many of the things AJ says are just internal rhetoric - not as though he is serious or wants to die himself. But not only is he serious, he believes that he will hasten the return of the 12th Imam, or Madhi. He believes Israel should be destroyed, and that the Holocaust never really happened.
Shortly after his election victory, AJ gave a public address in which he stated, "who dares to threaten Iran in the world? God willing this year if I go to UN I will ask 'which one of you dares threaten Iran? Please raise your hand - and I will cut your hand off'." Ayatolla Khomeni supports the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmendinejad, as he addressed the Islamic Republic of Iran on the issue of his re-election to the masses just yesterday. His speech was televised throughout the world, and his faithful supporters present at his public address chanted "Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to the West!" Any reader of the Quran can tell you that their text clearly suggests anyone who does not follow Islam is considered an "infidel" and must be killed. Targeting of the West by Muslim Extremists is not a new phenomenon. Besides the Islamic attacks of 911 on America, numerous bombings in London, France, and India (among others) indicate that any nation who does not subscribe to the rhetoric and ideology of these religious zealots has a target on their heads. The Iranian-Israeli rivalry has been present for years, regardless of Iran's intention to produce nuclear weapons. Other countries in the Middle East (except for maybe Syria) and throughout the world would also be fearful or a nuclear Iran, as the effect of an attack on Israel would be resonate throughout the region.
Meanwhile on the topic of nuclear threats, a new threat arises from a rogue nation, North Korea, officially known as the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK). The Republic will push ahead with its nuclear weapons program although the UN Security Council has imposed wider sanctions on the DPRK. They absolutely won't abandon their weapons development, in fact counter-measures include weaponizing new plutonium and enriching uranium. Their uranium enrichment program was previously somewhat secret, but not only are they turning these elements into nuclear warheads, their ruler recently claimed "we will never give up nuclear ambitions". US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called Kim Jong-il's response "regrettable", and the UN will be imposing new sanctions on the DPRK. Despite the sanctions and condemnation by the international community, they continue to threaten anyone who attempts to interfere in their efforts. If anyone attempts to blockade their ships, they will attack the ships, as they did in dealing with hostile acts of the US military buildup at the border of North and South Korea. The DPRK blames South Korea for following US policy and cooperating with their US ally. The DPRK has threatened to fire a missile at Hawaii on July 4. As I plan to return to Hawaii soon, I will remember to not make my travel reservations for US Independence Day. But how long will we keep our independence? Depends how long we will stand around and do nothing when a New Hitler threatens to seek and destroy.
Ayatollah Ali Khomeni has instructed the Iranians to unite and support AJs victory, that it was a legitimate election. However, 70% of the population in Iran reportedly wants to be free of these radical religious "thugs". Thus the protests continue, echoing "where is my vote?" and questioning the accuracy of the election. The Ayatollah and Ahmedinejad want to instill Global Sharia Law, and they believe all nations should come under their regime. This religious scheme is certainly more realistic to them, but seems totally far fetched to most other countries. In general, the secular do not take the religious seriously, given their seemingly idealized versions of life. The secular-minded people are so estranged from religion that they don't realize religious aspects carry such heavy weight to many people who are religious. Many news sources and politicians believe that many of the things AJ says are just internal rhetoric - not as though he is serious or wants to die himself. But not only is he serious, he believes that he will hasten the return of the 12th Imam, or Madhi. He believes Israel should be destroyed, and that the Holocaust never really happened.
Shortly after his election victory, AJ gave a public address in which he stated, "who dares to threaten Iran in the world? God willing this year if I go to UN I will ask 'which one of you dares threaten Iran? Please raise your hand - and I will cut your hand off'." Ayatolla Khomeni supports the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmendinejad, as he addressed the Islamic Republic of Iran on the issue of his re-election to the masses just yesterday. His speech was televised throughout the world, and his faithful supporters present at his public address chanted "Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to the West!" Any reader of the Quran can tell you that their text clearly suggests anyone who does not follow Islam is considered an "infidel" and must be killed. Targeting of the West by Muslim Extremists is not a new phenomenon. Besides the Islamic attacks of 911 on America, numerous bombings in London, France, and India (among others) indicate that any nation who does not subscribe to the rhetoric and ideology of these religious zealots has a target on their heads. The Iranian-Israeli rivalry has been present for years, regardless of Iran's intention to produce nuclear weapons. Other countries in the Middle East (except for maybe Syria) and throughout the world would also be fearful or a nuclear Iran, as the effect of an attack on Israel would be resonate throughout the region.
Meanwhile on the topic of nuclear threats, a new threat arises from a rogue nation, North Korea, officially known as the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK). The Republic will push ahead with its nuclear weapons program although the UN Security Council has imposed wider sanctions on the DPRK. They absolutely won't abandon their weapons development, in fact counter-measures include weaponizing new plutonium and enriching uranium. Their uranium enrichment program was previously somewhat secret, but not only are they turning these elements into nuclear warheads, their ruler recently claimed "we will never give up nuclear ambitions". US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called Kim Jong-il's response "regrettable", and the UN will be imposing new sanctions on the DPRK. Despite the sanctions and condemnation by the international community, they continue to threaten anyone who attempts to interfere in their efforts. If anyone attempts to blockade their ships, they will attack the ships, as they did in dealing with hostile acts of the US military buildup at the border of North and South Korea. The DPRK blames South Korea for following US policy and cooperating with their US ally. The DPRK has threatened to fire a missile at Hawaii on July 4. As I plan to return to Hawaii soon, I will remember to not make my travel reservations for US Independence Day. But how long will we keep our independence? Depends how long we will stand around and do nothing when a New Hitler threatens to seek and destroy.